Journey to Jerusalem
When we become caught up in the hubbub of our modern lives, it can be easy to forget God. With the 24-hour news cycle pulsating from our TVs and computers and cellphones, our whole attention can be consumed by receiving and processing information. When we are so intently tuned into our devices and screens, we can unwittingly position ourselves away from God.
Lent is a season of remembering and turning. It’s a time to intentionally remember God and to turn towards God. There are many ways we can “remember and turn to the Lord,” as the psalmist writes, but they do require some intentionality on our part. With intention, we can pull our gaze away from our screens and direct it out a window, or on a walk, to bask in the beauty of God’s creation. With intention, we can prioritize relationships in our lives, and find ways to reconnect with family and friends, for like God we are deeply relational beings. With intention, we can set aside time for prayer and contemplation, centering ourselves in the loving presence of God.
This Lenten season, as we find ourselves on a Journey to Jerusalem, may intention be a close companion, travelling with us at each turn.